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By: Mark Frazee | Content Manager - Pittsburgh HUB
If you've visited Idlewild and SoakZone over the last six or seven years, you may have noticed that the scenic Loyalhanna Limited Railroad has been limited to one, red train. Perhaps it's been so long you forgot the ride even had a second train! After a somewhat-lengthy hiatus, we're excited to share that we're almost finished with a significant refurbishment project for the second, green train - which will bring back the option for two-train operations this season. We'll dive in to some of the work in a bit - but first, let's take a step back in time with a brief look at the history of our trusty train ride.
If you're familiar with Idlewild's past, you'll know that we were established as a railroad park; that is, a primitive recreational area that rail operators strategically placed at the ends of their lines to attract ridership. Railroad and trolley parks were quite popular at the turn-of-the-century, with Idlewild being just one of many found in the region. While many would not survive, Idlewild both survived and thrived due to both its beautiful location and strong early management team that would shape the direction of the park.
So, with Idlewild's important roots as a scenic railroad park, it's a no-brainer that we should be home to a beautiful railroad experience for the whole family. Of course, the Loyalhanna Limited Railroad now carries Guests through Hootin' Holler, over the creek and back through the lush woodlands. And while the Loyalhanna Limited has become the train ride we all know and love, it wasn't our first miniature train experience. That title belongs to the now-defunct Idlewild Express, which opened in 1939.
While the Idlewild Express could be found closer to the present-day SoakZone, the Loyalhanna Limited was placed on the opposite end of the park alongside and over the creek, connecting Olde Idlewild, Story Book Forest and the zoo (present-day site of Raccoon Lagoon). Debuting in 1965, part of the Loyalhanna Limited follows the same route of the Ligonier Valley Rail Road that brought Guests to the park in the early years.
"Idlewild was founded as a picnic ground along the Ligonier Valley Rail Road back in 1878," explains Jeff Croushore, Director of Marketing. "In a nod to that history, I think it’s very important for the park to continue to feature a train ride experience. The Loyalhanna Limited has delighted guests for over 50 years with its beauty among the trees and over the creek."
The Loyalhanna Limited was later seamlessly integrated into the Hootin' Holler expansion in the 1980s, and by the time to the Idlewild Express was retired following the 1997 season for a SoakZone expansion, the Loyalhanna Limited had become our signature train ride.
Another distinction is that the Loyalhanna Limited's two engines are not original to the ride itself. Until 1991, a single steam-powered engine carried riders through the scenic route. That's when the park purchased the red engine from Chance Manufacturing, with the original train's cars retained. In 1992, during a period of rapid growth for the park, the green engine and its cars were purchased to increase the ride's capacity. Both trusty engines would carry passengers over the next 25 years, until the green train mysteriously disappeared from service.
All of that brings us to today. This refurbishment project is two-fold, with work occurring on both the coaches and the engine itself. Maintenance Manager Bob Enos, who's been with Idlewild since 1987, is heavily involved. Enos is excited to finally see finished product of the project, including the flashy pop of red coming to the green train's coaches. They needed a lot of work.
"The coaches all needed rebuilt," Enos explains. "They were remanufactured - all the steel and that. And once they came back, they got coated with a LINE-X material. That's how you get the rough feeling you'll notice, instead of it being painted. It won't wear as much. It's very durable and won't peel like paint does."
Right now, our in-house carpenters are working to reassemble the 336 red oak boards that will become the ride's seats. They were stripped, varnished, and now are being placed back into the ride. Our electricians, meanwhile, are installing lights and speakers.
Of course, a lot of work needed done to the engine, which was manufactured in Wichita, Kansas.
"The engine was torn apart a few years ago, but it wasn't quite the way we wanted," Enos describes. "So, we decided to redo everything. We rebuilt the whole train. Drive shafts, gear boxes, wheels, everything got redone."
At this point, it's mostly just cosmetic work that's left for the green train, as our team shines up the engine that spent the last several years of its life in the shop. It'll then get placed back onto the tracks, along with the soon-to-be fully-refurbished coaches.
All of the work being put into the Loyalhanna Limited now will ensure it will entertain Idlewild's guests well into the future. In 2021, the bridge that spans the Loyalhanna Creek closest to the parking booths was completely refurbished. 2023 will mark the first time two-train operations will be available on the Loyalhanna Limited in quite some time, which we know our Guests will appreciate on those busy days!
"Part of Idlewild’s charm is it’s nostalgic atmosphere," Croushore adds. "Visitors love to experience the many classic amusements that the park offers – and the Loyalhanna Limited is certainly one of the rides at the top of the list. It offers scenic views of the park, plus it’s a ride that the whole family, all ages, can enjoy together. This refurbishment project ensures that this unique ride can be enjoyed for generations to come."
We're also planning to refurbish the red engine once the green engine returns, so don't be surprised if it disappears for a short period. And don't worry - its absence will be much more temporary!
Just as our very first guests enjoyed a train ride as part of their Idlewild day, we can't wait to welcome you back on the Loyalhanna Limited Railroad, refreshed and ready to delight Guests on their traditional train ride through Idlewild 146 seasons in the making. After all, a railroad park needs a railroad.
Enjoy all of your favorite Idlewild and SoakZone rides and attractions with a 2023 Season Pass! The perfect Easter basket surprise, they're on sale now for 4 easy payments starting at just $23 each.